г. Кострома, отдел продаж:
Приёмная: +7 (4942) 419-107
г. Москва, отдел продаж:
Приёмная: +7 (4942) 419-107

Our boilers


Draft machines of the type Д and ВД

ВД-2,5 Д-3,5
ВД-2,7 Д-8
ВД-3,5 Д-10
ВД-6 Д-12
Д-8 Д-13,5
ВД-10 Д-15,5
ВД-12 Д-18
ВД-13,5 Д-20
ВД-15,5 ВД-15,5Ф-1500

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+7 (4942) 622-023

General information

• High-pressure
• One-side suction
• Direction of rotation – right-hand and left-hand
• Quantity of blades – 32 pc

One way suction mechanisms ВДare intended for supply of air into the combustionchambers of steam boilers. These suction and supply mechanisms are used at boilers with balanced drought, having productivity of 1…25 t/hr, as well as gas & mazutwater boilers with heat productivity 0,5…16 GCal/hr. It is admitted to apply the fans in production units of different industries for supply of a clean air aswell as the smoke exhaust fans on the gas & mazut boilers with balanced suction.

ВД type fans are intended for usage at the ambient temperature minimum -30 °C and maximum 40 °C; permissible temperature of the conveyed medium at the fan entry 200 °C. Exhaust fans ВДand D are designed for long term operation period (outdoors under a tent) in mild climate (climatic version Y, placement category 2, GOST 15150-69). Permissible ambient temperature is not lower than -30 ° C and not above 40 ° C.

Centrifugal exhaust fans of single-suction type D are designed for smoke gas exhaust from the boiler combustion chamber, equipped with efficient system of ash filtration, as well as for the smoke gas exhaust from combustion chambers of gas & mazut boilers. Smoke exhaust fans are designed for long term operation indoors and outdoors in mild climate(climatic version Y, allocation category 1, 2, 3 and 4, 15150-69). It is allowed to start smoke exhaust fanif the temperature inside the housing is not lowerthan -30° C. Maximum temperature of inlet gas to the exhaust fans shall not exceed 200 ° C. For ensuring the durability the smoke exhaust fan housing wall thickness was increased comparing to the fans of ВДtype.

Advantagesof the draft machines Дand ВД «Medved concern»:
Axial guide mechanism of a blowing fan features the improved design: rotation ring rollers are installed on the roller bearings, what ensures the smooth turning of a guide mechanism blades. The guide mechanism is equipped with a dismountable handle, which ensures the convenient connection of single-turn actuators. The application of Teflon bushes and cast iron cowl on the axial guidemechanism ensures the minimum gaps of turning pins. It reduces blowing fan operating vibration and noise level appropriately.

Blowing fans by scheme 3 and 5 have dismountable bearing unit, which improve maintenance ability: it enables bearing change in the housing without removing of working wheel. In blowing fans by scheme 3 and 5 from the working wheel side the big size bearing is installed, which improves the fans reliability. In fans by scheme 3 and 5 with № 9 it is possible to install the cooling piping circuit, is necessary.

Specifications of the draft machines Д and ВД

Dimensions of suction and supply of ВД and Д №2,5; №2,7; №3,5

Dimension and connection sizes Д-12 version-1

Dimension and connection sizes Д-12 version-3

Dimension and connection sizes machines ВД и Д №13,5 и №15,5 (Пр90°)

Dimension and connection sizes of machines ВДand Д №18 and №20 (Пр90°)

Aerodynamic performance




















Acoustic characteristics of machines Д и ВД

The value of Lpi, dB in the octave band f, Hz
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
ВД?2,5 3 000 Blowing 90 91 92 93 94 88 86 99
Suction 86 87 88 89 90 84 82 95
Outside case 81 82 83 82 83 76 74 88
ВД?2,7 3 000 Blowing 93 94 97 97 101 93 90 104
Suction 88 91 91 96 94 90 86 100
Outside case 85 86 86 89 87 82 78 93
ВД?3,5 3 000 Blowing 103 104 106 102 98 94 90 107
Suction 99 100 102 98 94 90 86 103
Outside case 94 95 96 92 87 82 78 97
ВД?13,5 600 Blowing 104 108 109 107 105 102 98 112
Suction 99 103 104 102 100 97 93 107
Outside case 94 97 96 93 92 89 87 99
750 Blowing 109 113 114 112 110 107 103 117
Suction 104 108 109 107 105 102 98 112
Outside case 99 102 100 98 97 94 92 104
1 000 Blowing 116 120 121 119 117 114 110 124
Suction 111 115 116 114 112 110 105 119
Outside case 105 109 107 106 104 101 99 111
ВД?15,5 750 Blowing 114 118 119 117 115 112 108 122
Suction 109 113 114 112 110 107 103 117
Outside case 99 102 103 103 103 102 99 97
1 000 Blowing 121 125 126 124 122 119 115 129
Suction 116 120 121 119 117 114 110 124
Outside case 106 109 110 110 109 106 104 115
ВД?15,5Ф?1500 1 500 Blowing 135 131 135 132 128 123 119 137
Suction 129 127 129 126 122 119 118 131
Outside case 125 126 125 122 118 115 118 127
ВД?17,5Ф 1 500 Blowing 133 133 133 130 125 121 118 135
Suction 125 128 128 125 120 116 113 130
Outside case 120 121 120 117 114 111 109 122
The value of Lpi, dB in the octave band f, Hz
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Д?3,5 750 Blowing 82 87 90 85 81 73 67 90
Suction 78 83 86 81 77 69 63 86
Outside case 74 79 81 75 71 64 55 81
Д?12 750 Blowing 104 108 109 107 105 102 98 112
Suction 99 103 104 102 100 97 93 107
Outside case 94 97 95 93 92 89 87 99
1 000 Blowing 111 115 116 114 112 109 105 119
Suction 106 110 111 109 107 105 100 114
Outside case 100 104 102 101 99 96 94 106
1 000 Blowing 117 115 118 115 110 106 103 119
Suction 113 108 113 108 103 102 100 114
Outside case 107 108 107 104 98 97 93 109
750 Blowing 122 118 123 120 114 111 108 124
Suction 117 114 117 114 108 107 105 119
Outside case 112 113 112 108 104 102 97 114
750 Blowing 120 116 121 117 113 108 105 122
Suction 115 113 115 112 106 105 104 117
Outside case 109 111 109 107 103 100 95 112
750 Blowing 124 120 125 121 116 113 109 126
Suction 118 116 118 115 110 118 117 123
Outside case 113 114 113 111 116 113 98 120