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Steam-to-water preheaters ПП

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Steam-to-water  preheaters  (ПП)  are  designated  for  heating  and  hot  water  supply  systems, operating in the following temperature conditions: 70/150 °C; 70/130 ° Сand 70/95 ° С.
Piped systems may be manufactured from plain or corrugated brass pipes. Upon request of a customer,  shells  and  piped  systems  of  preheaters  can  be  manufactured  from  special  steels  and alloys.
Steam-to-water  preheater  is  a  shell-and-pipe  heat  exchanger  of  a  horizontal  type,  having  the following assembly units: shell, piped system, front and rear (floating) water chambers, shell cover.Main units of a pre-heater are assembled with the help of detachable flange joint, which ensures the possibility of preventive inspection and repair.
Heated water flows in the preheater by pipes and heating steam is supplied through a branch pipe in the upper part of the shell to an intertubular area, in which a segmental baffle plates, guiding the steam flow direction, are installed. Condensateof the heating steam flows down to the lower part of  the  shell  and  is  drained  from  the  preheater.  Noncondensable  gases  (air),  accumulated  in  the preheater, are drained via branch pipe in the shell.
Estimated service life of the steam-to-water preheaters – 12 years. Warranty operation period – 24 months since the date of putting the preheater into operation, but not more than 36 months since the date of its shipment to a customer.

Specifications of steam-to-water preheaters ПП

Heater marking
Area of heating
surface, m?
Rated consumption of
water, t/h
Design heat flow, МВт
Weight of preheater, kg
Temperature chart 70/95 ° С (maximum operating overpressure of steam — 0,68 MPA)
ПП 2-6-7-II 6,3 29,2 0,68 (0,585) 416
ПП 2-11-7-II 11,4 53,4 1,24 (1,07) 646
ПП 1-16-7-II 16,0 76,0 1,76 (1,52) 753
ПП 1-21-7-II 21,2 103,5 2,29 (1,99) 959
ПП 1-35-7-II 35,3 169,0 3,93 (3,38) 1371
ПП 1-50-7-II 50,5 251,0 5,82 (5,02) 1636
ПП 1-71-7-II 71,0 342,0 7,92 (6,84) 2187
Temperature chart 70/130 ° С (maximum operating overpressure of steam — 0,68 MPA)
ПП 2-9-7-II 9,5 32,4 1,89 (1,63) 506
ПП 2-17-7-II 17,2 59,0 3,45 (2,98) 769
ПП 1-24-7-II 24,4 83,5 4,9 (4,22) 920
ПП 1-32-7-II 32,0 110,5 6,46 (5,57) 1160
ПП 1-53-7-II 53,9 182,0 10,58 (9,20) 1656
ПП 1-76-7-II 76,8 261,0 15,3 (13,20) 2024
ПП 1-108-7-II 108,0 358,0 21 (18,10) 2660
Temperature chart 70/150 ° С (maximum operating overpressure of steam — 0,68 MPA)
ПП 2-9-7-IV 9,5 16,1 1,31 (1,13) 512
ПП 2-17-7-IV 17,2 29,4 2,41 (2,08) 769
ПП 1-24-7-IV 24,4 41,7 3,45 (2,94) 915
ПП 1-32-7-IV 32,0 55,0 4,5 (3,88) 1160
ПП 1-53-7-IV 53,9 93,0 7,61 (6,55) 1660
ПП 1-76-7-IV 76,8 133,0 10,9 (9,40) 2037
ПП 1-108-7-IV 108,0 188,0 15,42 (13,30) 2660
* — maximum operating overpressure – 1,57 MPA; maximum temperature of steam –200 °C

Water-to-steam preheater ПП1 (with elliptic bottom)

Steam-water heater ППwith flat bottom

Overall and mounting dimensions of water-to-steam preheaters ПП

Heater marking                                                                     DIMENSIONS, MM
Weight of preheater,
Дн Ду Ду1 Ду2 L I I1 I2 I3 I4 h1 h2 h3 h4 Дб Дб1 Дб2 d d1 d2 Z Z1 Z2 a b c
ПП 2-6-7-II 325 100 100 50 2550 555 460 1300 1100 250 340 288 288 293 180 180 125 18 18 18 8 8 4 450 330 180 416
ПП 2-9-7-II 325 100 100 50 3550 555 540 2300 2000 250 340 288 293 293 180 180 125 18 18 18 8 8 4 450 330 180 506
ПП 2-9-7-IV 325 100 100 50 3550 555 540 2300 2000 250 340 288 293 293 180 180 125 18 18 18 8 8 4 450 330 180 512
ПП 2-11-7-II 426 150 125 50 2683 560 465 1300 1100 292 370 348 413 348 240 210 125 22 18 18 8 8 4 450 330 180 646
ПП 2-17-7-II 426 150 125 50 2683 560 545 2300 2000 292 370 348 413 348 240 210 125 22 18 18 8 8 4 450 330 180 769
ПП 2-17-7-IV 426 150 100 50 2683 560 545 2300 2000 300 385 348 413 348 240 180 125 22 18 18 8 8 4 450 330 180 769
ПП 1-16-2-II 480 150 150 50 2720 605 510 1300 1100 330 417 385 440 375 240 240 125 22 22 18 8 8 4 450 330 180 753
ПП 1-24-7-II 480 150 150 50 3720 605 590 2300 2000 330 417 385 440 375 240 240 125 22 22 18 8 8 4 450 330 180 920
ПП 1-24-7-IV 480 150 100 50 3720 605 590 2300 2000 330 417 385 440 375 240 180 125 22 18 18 8 8 4 450 330 180 915
ПП 1-21-7-II 530 200 150 80 2785 607 512 1300 1100 355 420 440 477 420 295 240 160 22 22 18 8 8 4 500 380 220 959
ПП 1-32-7-II 530 200 150 80 3785 607 592 2300 2000 355 420 440 477 420 295 240 160 22 22 18 8 8 4 500 380 220 1160
ПП 1-32-7-IV 530 200 125 80 3785 607 592 2300 2000 345 415 440 477 420 295 210 160 22 18 18 8 8 4 500 380 220 1164
ПП 1-35-7-II 630 250 200 80 2885 655 560 1300 1100 440 490 490 526 500 350 295 160 22 22 18 12 12 4 570 450 220 1371
ПП 1-53-7-II 630 250 200 80 3885 655 640 2300 2000 440 490 490 526 500 350 295 160 22 22 18 12 12 4 570 450 220 1656
ПП 1-53-7-IV 630 250 150 80 3880 655 640 2300 2000 405 480 490 526 500 350 240 160 22 22 18 12 8 4 570 450 220 1660
ПП 1-50-7-II 720 300 250 125 2986 744 564 1100 1000 460 560 535 570 556 400 355 210 22 26 18 12 12 8 640 450 250 1636
ПП 1-76-7-II 720 250 250 125 3986 744 644 2100 1900 465 556 535 570 556 350 355 210 22 26 18 12 12 8 640 450 250 2024
ПП 1-76-7-IV 720 250 200 125 3986 744 644 2100 1900 465 556 535 570 556 359 295 210 22 22 18 12 12 8 640 450 250 2037
ПП 1-71-7-II 820 350 300 125 3135 450 620 1100 1000 510 605 610 620 606 460 410 210 26 26 18 16 12 8 750 500 250 2187
ПП 1-108-7-II 820 300 300 125 4135 450 700 2100 1900 510 605 610 620 606 400 410 210 22 26 18 12 12 8 750 500 250 2660
ПП 1-108-7-IV 820 300 200 125 4135 450 700 2100 1900 515 600 610 620 606 400 295 210 22 22 18 12 12 8 750 500 250 2660
Marking Name Quantity Reference designation Mounting dimensions, мм
Dу, мм Ру, rh/cm?
К Air discharge 1 20 G 3/4″
Р For water temperature measurement 2 М 27х2
М Air discharge 2 15 G 1/2″
For steam pressure temperature
1 G 1/2″