г. Кострома, отдел продаж:
Приёмная: +7 (4942) 419-107
г. Москва, отдел продаж:
Приёмная: +7 (4942) 419-107

Our boilers


Centrifugal fans ВЦ, ВЦД

ВЦ-11 ВЦД-16
ВЦ-11М ВЦД-2,2
ВЦ-15 ВЦД-31,5М
ВЦ-16 ВЦД-31,5М2
ВЦ-25 ВЦД-32
ВЦ-25М ВЦД-3,3
ВЦ-31,5 ВЦД-42,5
ВЦ-31,5М ВЦД-47У
ВЦ-31,5М2 ВЦД-47М “Север”
ВЦ-32 ВЦД-47,5УМ

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Do you have questions? Call:

+7 (4942) 622-023


Centrifugal fans ВЦ and ВЦД are consructed for operation in fan installations of main ventilation in mining industry, applied in atmospheric conditions at the temperature of transported air from 228 K to 323 K, air dust up to 150 g/m3, and at relative humidity up to 98 % (at temperature 298 K) on the height above sea level up to 1000 m.
The fans can be used in other industrial plants, providing the flow of air of specified parameters.

Operating conditions

The fans can be operated with the suction and discharge circuits venting. Depending on the method of regulation of parameters of fans are manufactured in the following versions: H – the regulation guiding device; B – regulation by frequency variation; Ф – by changing the shape of the impeller blades.