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Приёмная: +7 (4942) 419-107

Our boilers


Axial fans ВО 25-188

№8 №9
№10 №11,2

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+7 (4942) 622-023

General information

• low Pressure
• One-side suction
• Number of blades – 6
Fans ВО 25-188 are designated for antismoke ventilating systems; they are installed in the special air-supply  and  smoke-exhaust  systems  for  generation of  an  excess  pressure  in  stairway  enclosures, entries,  gateways  and  elevators’   wells  of  the  buildings  in  order  to  prevent  smoke  ingress  into  these premises  and  provide  a  possibility  to  perform  activities  on  fire-fighting  and  rescue  of  people  and equipment.
Fan  ВО 25-188 has two layouts, which are different by a way of shell mounting: flange mounting (layout 1) and mounting on a pillar (layout 2).
Each fan has a size 5 versions, differing position of the blades of the impeller and guide vanes.
The angle of the vanes of the impeller – 30? и35?
The installation angle guide blades – 5? и10?
Ability to work without the fan blades guide
Fans ВО 25-188 must be mounted out of attended premises and beyond the area where people stay permanently. They are designated for operationin the conditions of moderate (У) and tropical (Т) climates of the 3rdcategory of location as per GOST 15150.
• Ambient temperature: -40 to +45 ° С(-10 to +50 ° Сfor fans designated for tropical climate).
• In ordinary conditions transferred medium shouldnot contain adhesive substances, fibrous materials, steam or dust, have an aggressiveness towards carbon steels higher than air aggressiveness; content of dust and other solid admixtures should be more than 100 mg/m3.
• Average value of vibration velocity for externalvibration sources in the places of fans’ mounting – not more than 2 mm/sec.

Specifications of axial fans ВО 25-188

The angle of the
blades, degree
Еlectric motor
Parameters in operating
Weight, kg


Rate of

10?  х

01 02
8 01 35 10 11,0 1435 25,5-32,0 840-660 182 193 0,4
02 35 5 7,5 1455 22,5-30,0 740-570 170 181
03 35 * 5,5 1450 18,5-27,3 585-475 124 135
04 30 5 5,5 1450 20,5-27,2 700-418 159 180
05 30 * 4,0 1435 17,3-22,3 510-308 102 113
9 01 35 10 11,0 1435 29,3-45,0 710-430 237 253 0,5
02 35 5 11,0 1435 27,5-41,5 670-395 237 253
03 35 * 7,5 1455 26,4-40,4 635-340 178 194
04 30 5 7,5 1455 23,5-38,0 645-305 221 237
05 30 * 7,5 1455 21,8-35,0 585-250 138 194
10 01 35 10 15,0 1460 41,5-62,5 910-555 304 324 0,8
02 35 5 15,0 1460 38,4-58,4 855-505 304 324
03 35 * 15,0 1460 36,3-55,4 785-425 256 276
04 30 5 11,0 1435 31,6-51,4 770-365 260 280
05 30 * 11,0 1435 47,5-27,5 700-303 212 232
11,2 01 35 10 7,5 960 38,0-57,7 490-300 284 311 0,9
02 35 5 7,5 960 35,3-54,0 463-273 284 311
03 35 * 7,5 960 33,5-51,0 425-230 233 260
04 30 5 5,5 950 29,5-47,7 423-203 268 295
05 30 * 5,5 950 27,5-44,0 385-130 218 245
12,5 01 35 10 15,0 970 53,5-81,0 625-384 407 440 1,3
02 35 5 15,0 970 49,5-75,0 590-347 407 440
03 35 * 15,0 970 47,0-71,5 540-292 347 380
04 30 5 11,0 970 41,7-67,7 550-260 377 410
05 30 * 11,0 970 39,0-62,5 500-215 317 350


Overall and mounting dimensions of fans ВО 25-188

Overall and mounting dimensions of axial fans ВО 25-188

Dimensions, mm
А А1 B D D1 D2 d d1 H H1 Lmax L1 L2
8 700 310 740 820 504 865 18 14 945 495 565 410 260 16
9 800 350 846 900 504 940 18 10 1040 550 565 450 260 12
10 900 415 946 1000 504 1040 20 14 1140 595 735 485 225 16
11,2 1000 460 1060 1120 570 1170 22 10 1270 670 635 560 225 16
12,5 1100 530 1160 1250 627 1295 22 10 1422 750 785 630 225 16


Aerodynamic characteristic of fans ВО 25-188

ВО 25-188 №8

ВО 25-188 №9

ВО 25-188 №10

ВО 25-188 №11,2

ВО 25-188 №12,5

Acoustic characteristics of fans ВО 25-188

Acoustic characteristics measured on the pressure side to the nominal operation of the fans axial ВО 25-188 №8

№modification. LpA, дБА The value of Lpi, dB in the octave band f, Hz
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
1 107 92 97 105 105 103 96 90 83
2 105 86 94 104 104 101 95 88 83
3 105 86 93 104 103 102 95 88 83
4 103 82 92 102 101 99 94 85 78
5 103 84 92 103 102 98 92 84 76

Acoustic characteristics measured on the pressure side to the nominal operation of the fans axial ВО 25-188 №9

№modification LpA, дБА The value of Lpi, dB in the octave band f, Hz
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
1 111 97 102 110 110 108 101 95 88
2 110 97 102 110 109 106 100 94 86
3 110 91 98 109 108 107 100 93 87
4 108 88 97 107 106 103 97 90 82
5 107 89 97 108 107 102 96 89 81

Acoustic characteristics measured on the pressure side to the nominal operation of the fans axial ВО 25-188 №10

№modification LpA, дБА The value of Lpi, dB in the octave band f, Hz
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
1 114 100 105 113 113 111 104 98 91
2 113 100 105 113 112 109 103 97 89
3 113 94 101 112 111 110 103 96 90
4 111 91 100 110 109 106 100 93 85
5 110 92 100 111 110 105 99 92 84

АAcoustic characteristics measured on the pressure side to the nominal operation of the fans axial ВО 25-188 №11,2

№modification LpA, дБА The value of Lpi, dB in the octave band f, Hz
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
1 108 94 99 107 107 105 98 92 85
2 107 94 99 107 106 103 97 91 83
3 107 88 95 106 105 104 97 90 84
4 105 85 94 104 103 100 94 87 79
5 104 86 94 105 104 99 93 86 78

Acoustic characteristics measured on the pressure side to the nominal operation of the fans axial ВО 25-188 №12,5

№modification LpA, дБА The value of Lpi, dB in the octave band f, Hz
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
1 112 98 103 111 111 109 102 96 89
2 111 98 103 111 110 107 101 95 87
3 111 92 99 110 109 108 101 94 88
4 109 89 98 108 107 104 98 91 83
5 108 90 98 109 108 103 97 90 82